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Getting Started

Register ⸻
Signing Up and Get Started
Download NepaliLami app and create your profile filling with necessary details. Your information are safe, secure and private. It’s up to you how you want to handle your data into the platform.
Verification ⸻
Complete Profile Verification
After creating profile, you have to request for approval. Every profiles are screened individually. The admin approves the profile only if it has valid information and great profile picture.
Once your profile is approved, you can only use the features of NepaliLami.

Verification ⸻
Complete Profile Verification
After creating profile, you have to request for approval. Every profiles are screened individually. The admin approves the profile only if it has valid information and great profile picture.
Once your profile is approved, you can only use the features of NepaliLami.

Premium Member ⸻
Subscriptions & Premium Features
Unlock various perks with the Premium Member plan which boosts your chances at matching a partner. Request chats, view profile pictures and also, gain access to your match’s details.
Meeting ⸻
Matching, Messaging and Meeting
Once you match with your potential partner, don’t stop there! Hold conversations through messaging and calling to grow your bond. Meet in real life and see where the potential partnership takes you.

Meeting ⸻
Matching, Messaging and Meeting
Once you match with your potential partner, don’t stop there! Hold conversations through messaging and calling to grow your bond. Meet in real life and see where the potential partnership takes you.
Happy Ending ⸻
Get Your Preferred Partner
Let your relationship extend to the next level with the help of Nepali Lami. Gain success by marrying your perfect partner and begin your new life as a married couple who have found their soulmates in one another.